Healing Skin From Within
If you suffer with acne and eczema you know what its like to…
Feel anxious every morning as you check to see how many new spots have appeared overnight
Not have the confidence to leave the house makeup free and tired of the idea of having to layer it on
Feel disheartened that the latest miracle spot cream failed to produce miracle results
Desperately try every medication recommended by your GP or dermatologist
Distance yourself from loved ones, friends and work colleagues because you want to hide away from the world
Still be confused as to whether or not diet impacts your skin
Feel low and distressed that you have tried most things, and nothing seems to work
Not be able to carry out jobs in the kitchen because your eczema would take over and hands would be constantly inflamed
Not be able to sleep properly because you would spend hours on end itching your skin through the night
I know this all too well…
Because I suffered from acne as a teenager and then again as an adult. Having wasted time on dermatologist visits and GP appointments I embraced the idea that conventional medicine, expensive creams and following restrictive diets would fix everything…I was WRONG! If anything, it made things worse and negatively impacted my mental health. The eczema on my hands and arms was a ongoing problem for many years that didn’t seem to heal up and became a nightmare as it seriously affected my day to day life.
After studying nutrition and understanding more about skin health, I knew in my gut there had to be another way of healing my acne, therefore I used the tools and knowledge to implement the changes to my diet, my lifestyle and mindset – here I am today acne free and feeling the happiest and healthiest I could be!
All acne & eczema sufferers are experiencing:
· Hormonal imbalances and blood sugar dysfunction
· Poor gut health
· Sluggish liver and poor detoxification
· Nutrient deficiencies
· Negative mindset and poor lifestyle habits
The Healing Skin from Within approach recognise which of these areas apply to you and your skin and creates a bespoke programme that works through my 3 steps for clear skin.
The result is an informed and empowered you with clear, vibrant and glowing skin.
My 3 Steps For Clear Skin
1 - Diet
Food choices can either exacerbate or reduce inflammation and acne. Birth control, restrictive eating and medication can cause nutrient deficiencies and contribute to breakouts.
Together we will examine the role that your diet has on your gut, hormones and skin. This will enable you to understand what foods to eat to prevent you from breaking out, and start enjoying a tasty and varied, wholesome diet.
2 - Lifestyle
Poor lifestyle habits can also contribute to breakouts.
Pore clogging makeup, over cleansing, incorrect skincare regime, dehydration, alcohol, smoking and sleep - these are the common causes that trigger acne flare ups. Correcting these habits will enable you to have more control over your skin and enjoy a happy and positive lifestyle.
3 - Mindset
Your mind and skin are closely linked. How you are thinking will be directly impacting your skin and mental state of mind.
Low self-esteem, stress, limiting beliefs and anxiety will be directly contributing to breakouts. This is where you prevent the phase of negative thinking and get your confidence back to be the happiest and healthiest version of yourself.